Wednesday, April 8, 2009

APRIL 7, 2009


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APRIL 7, 2009

The rising pink tide

Vermont has legalized gay marriage. This is not a surprise in itself. Vermont for the last generation or two has been a far-left fiefdom that has elected avowed socialist Bernie Sanders again and again to Congress. But coming on the heels of the Supreme Court in Iowa shoving gay marriage down the throats of America’s heartland, coming on the heels of the gay mafia in California pushing the state Supreme Court to try and overturn Proposition 8, it is an ominous sign.

There is a rising tide of pink fascism in this country, and it comes as a result of the election of Barack Hussein Obama. Obama has signaled that during his reign it will be acceptable to impose gay marriage on the people of the United States. He’s being very cleverly used as a tool of the gay puppet masters. He is personally masculine, has a beautiful family, and was used by the gay mafia to convince real American families that they should support him.

And now that Obama the Trojan horse has been taken inside the gates so to speak, the contagion from within his administration is spreading throughout the country. One state at a time seems to be falling. Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, California is teetering on the brink. Will Texas be next? Will Obama say that in order to make up for the oppression caused by slavery that the Deep South will now have to accept gay marriage under duress? Is this a sexual reconstruction of the entire country? Don’t ask, because Obama won’t tell.

D-day for Obama

On June 6, 1944, the American invasion of Nazi-controlled Europe began on the beaches of Normandy. Thousands of American men were killed in a single day. But in April of 2009, Barack Hussein Obama dishonored the memory of those fallen men by refusing to visit Normandy on his European trip. Why did he do it, you ask? Because he didn’t want to offend Germany.

You see, his European vacation has been very carefully calculated. He spends so much time in France, so much time in Germany, just enough in each case to stroke the egos of Europe’s neo-Marxist heads of state. And so because he had already spent time in Paris, the city of lights, the world capital of fashion, he didn’t want to come back on the way home. Germany might look poorly on it if he paid France an extra visit.

I’ve already told you that Obama is trying to be president of the world. And this is just another example of him misplacing his priorities. For Americans, the beaches at Normandy in France are hallowed ground. Tens of thousands of our men shed their blood in this invasion in a fight against tyranny and despotism. In a fight which Americans of this generation couldn’t begin to make. President Reagan went there during his administration. Going there isn’t even really a foreign trip. It’s a trip to honor America’s fallen heroes. And though Obama is willing to whine and dine the French in Paris, though he’s a crowd pleaser in Prague, though he sounds terrific to the Turks, when it comes to Normandy, he’s nobody.

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