Friday, April 24, 2009

APRIL 22, 2009


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APRIL 22, 2009

The Clinton-Bush-Obama sellout

We found out this week that computer spies, who experts suspect are from China, have infiltrated the production process of the F-35 fighter jet. It turns out, according to a story in the Wall Street Journal, that part of the production process for the F-35 takes place in Turkey. Our new Muslim ally. The same country which just a few weeks ago Barack Obama visited. Remember when he went to the mosques in Turkey and took off his shoes? You know, that Turkey.

Now when George W. Bush tried to give the port contracts for the United States of America to the Kingdom of Dubai, I Michael Savage told you that they would try to use that position to infiltrate security and get at national secrets. I knew at that time there was a serious threat that they could sneak a Trojan Horse through the port security system.

Well, thanks to the alert members of The Savage Nation, the Dubai Ports fiasco was defeated. But now it looks like the Chinese have snuck a Trojan Horse through our computer security system. And how did they manage to do it? If the information from the Wall Street Journal this week is correct and Turkey now makes many of the components for the F-35 fighter, it seems very likely that the Muslim Trojan horse, which was stopped during the Dubai ports scandal, has now found a way to penetrate our systems through the auspices of our good Muslim allies in Turkey.

So how on earth did it happen that key components for one of our top military projects got outsourced to a Muslim nation? Nobody seems to know. Although maybe the fact that George W. Bush, the good conservative, pushed for closer trade relations with Turkey. For George W. Bush apparently it was all about the bottom line.

Not our national line of defense. In the 1940s Arthur Miller wrote a play called "All My Sons." It depicted a corrupt war profiteer who knew he had manufactured a set of faulty aircraft parts, but sent them to the Air Force to be put in airplanes anyway. As a result, the airplanes crashed, killing American troops. But truth is stranger than fiction. In the story the corrupt war profiteer gets his just desserts, but in this case, it seems that the villains got only rewarded. George W. Bush, who opened up close trade relationships with Turkey, has now retired to Texas where he lives in luxury off of speaking fees and will get Secret Service protection for the rest of his life.

What do we get? What does the citizens of the United States get? We get compromised security. We get a fighter jet that the Chinese can take out at any time because of their intimate knowledge of it. We get a bill for a 3 or 4 trillion-dollar bailout. And we get to kiss the behind of our so-called Muslim allies in Turkey to thank them for helping the Chinese destroy our national security. In short, we get screwed. We get sold out. All for the bottom line. The same bottom line that Clinton sold us out for by signing NAFTA. The same bottom line that Bush sold us out for when his cronies gobbled up the profits from Turkey. The same bottom line that Obama is selling us out for when he takes his shoes off in the mosque of the country that stabbed us in the back.

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