Tuesday, April 21, 2009

APRIL 20, 2009


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APRIL 20, 2009

The New Royalists

We've seen a lot in the last week about people protesting more government control and increased taxes. The tea parties last week showed us that the independent spirit of America is alive and well and won't be shackled by Obama and his neo-Marxists so easily. The protestors at the tea parties were harkening back to the Boston Tea Party, a tax protest which occurred just prior to the American Revolution. But the history goes back a lot further than that.

In the England of the early 1500s, the Tudor king, Henry the Eighth had decided to break with the Catholic Church and form the Protestant Church of England. The changes that were happening as a result were disconcerting to many British subjects. The people of York, for example, were predominantly Catholic and were concerned that they would face oppression under the new Protestant regime. They disliked Henry's anti-Catholic stances. They were worried they would not be able to worship as they pleased. And, just as we see today, they feared that new and burdensome taxes would be imposed upon them.

So there was an uprising in York in the north of England. A man named Robert Aske led 9,000 followers and took over the city. At first, Henry promised them their own separate parliament and gave a pardon to all who had participated in the uprising. But as soon as a new uprising took place, the king abandoned his promises and had Robert Aske and other leaders of the uprising killed.

We are seeing something similar develop today. Today we have a new administration in place that promises change we can believe in. King Henry promised the Catholics of his time the same thing. But in the end, the only thing they got was death and taxes. The elites ignore us today just as they did then. And though they may not be claiming the divine right of kings, the Obamas and the Madoffs and the Soros' of the world seem to be claiming the divine right of bling. They take the bling – you get nothing.

We've seen a lot in the last week about people protesting more government control and increased taxes. The tea parties last week showed us that the independent spirit of America is alive and well and won't be shackled by Obama and his neo-Marxists so easily. The protestors at the tea parties were harkening back to the Boston Tea Party, a tax protest which occurred just prior to the American Revolution. But the history goes back a lot further than that.

In the England of the early 1500s, the Tudor king, Henry the Eighth had decided to break with the Catholic Church and form the Protestant Church of England. The changes that were happening as a result were disconcerting to many British subjects. The people of York, for example, were predominantly Catholic and were concerned that they would face oppression under the new Protestant regime. They disliked Henry's anti-Catholic stances. They were worried they would not be able to worship as they pleased. And, just as we see today, they feared that new and burdensome taxes would be imposed upon them.

So there was an uprising in York in the north of England. A man named Robert Aske led 9,000 followers and took over the city. At first, Henry promised them their own separate parliament and gave a pardon to all who had participated in the uprising. But as soon as a new uprising took place, the king abandoned his promises and had Robert Aske and other leaders of the uprising killed.

We are seeing something similar develop today. Today we have a new administration in place that promises change we can believe in. King Henry promised the Catholics of his time the same thing. But in the end, the only thing they got was death and taxes. The elites ignore us today just as they did then. And though they may not be claiming the divine right of kings, the Obamas and the Madoffs and the Soros' of the world seem to be claiming the divine right of bling. They take the bling – you get nothing.

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