Tuesday, April 14, 2009

APRIL 13, 2009


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APRIL 13, 2009

Obama and the pirates

The United States of America has triumphed over the pirates. As you’ve heard by now, the Muslim malcontents had a machine gun leveled at the captured captain's back on their boat, and U.S. Navy snipers killed them with a single bullet each. Captain Richard Phillips was freed five days after his ship was hijacked off the Somali coast.

The real credit here goes to the Navy SEALs who shot these pirates. They performed their duties superbly and gave honor to their country’s name. And we should also salute Obama for his resolve in ending the pirate takeover of the cargo vessel and the killing of the pirates. However, if we ask the question, “Has Obama faced his first military challenge and won?” The answer is: Absolutely not. This was not a real military challenge. It was a piracy challenge. Obama’s first military challenge was from North Korea. Kim Jong Mentally Ill fired a rocket and Obama failed to stop him from doing so and failed to act in any meaningful way. That can not be forgotten in the euphoria of the moment.

When President Reagan sent U.S. Air Force planes to bomb terrorist sites in Libya in 1986, he did real damage to the dictator Ghadafi’s ability to launch terrorist attacks. Libya was no longer viewed as a serious terrorist threat after this point. While it reflects well on the U.S. Military, the killing of these pirates won’t put a stop to the actions of others just like them. Their infrastructure remains intact. Their ability to strike remains undiminished. And the crews of these ships remain unarmed.

Obama is talking about launching a land attack on the bases of these Muslim pirates. If he does that, he will be taking a real step towards making the world a safer place. But if he leaves it at this, he’ll be showing that though he wants the glory, he doesn’t have the guts to go after a real victory.

Obama and Cuba

Barack Obama announced that he will loosen restrictions on Cuba. B.O. is repealing of limits on how many times Americans can visit family in Cuba and how much money Americans can send to Cuba. Furthermore, these changes are timed around Obama’s first trip to Latin America. Is this about getting good American policy or getting an endorsement from Castro and Chavez?

These measures stop short of ending the embargo of Cuba, and because of that, some members of Congress claim that these are inadequate half-steps. Others, including, Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez of New Jersey – a Cuban American – say that this is the wrong way to go. Menendez rejects loosening restrictions on Cuba as a gift to a regime that continues to murder and jail those who go against the Castro brothers.

What I, Michael Savage, say is that there is an enormous danger here. While it’s true that we might make Cuba a more democratic place by dropping these restrictions, couldn’t it also be true that we could turn ourselves into a more communistic state at the same time? And beyond that, the flow of people who are relatives is likely to increase the flow of drugs to America because Cuba is a well- known transit point for cocaine coming out of South America. And while this might be good for Hugo Chavez, it won’t be good for us.

Our president may have good intentions in taking this action. But the road to hell is paved with good intentions. And any move in this direction must protect the best interests of the United States, not of Fidel and Raul Castro.

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