Friday, May 8, 2009

MAY 7, 2009


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Letter from America

Dear Madam,

My name is (name withheld). I am a British National, passport number is -----. I currently reside in Los Angeles, California, in the United States as a Green Card Holder and have lived here for 11 years.

In the 11 years as a resident of California I listen to Dr. Michael Savage's talk radio show everyday if possible. I can categorically state that I agree with every opinion, belief and notion Dr. Savage has expressed through his radio show, written word and articles. I have made financial donations to his Freedom of Speech Legal Fund and will continue to do so and have bought a number of his best-selling books. I am a practicing Catholic who strongly believes in the right to bear arms under the United States Constitution although I am not permitted to own a fire arm under U.S. Law as a Resident Alien.

I am a member of the RNC membership no. ----. I am vehemently opposed to gay marriage and voted YES on Propostition 8 in the State of California and have openly demonsrtrated in Santa Monica against same-sex marriage. I am a strong anti-abortion advocate and have attended many protests outside abortion clinics in Houston, TX, and here in California. I am totally opposed to illegal immigration here in the U.S. and the United Kingdom. I object to the violent blood-thirsty religion of Islam, and it is my belief that there is faction of fanatical muslims inciting violence in the United Kingdom who wish to overthrow the government of Great Britain. I strongly object to liberalism and oppose the Labor Government and the Democratic Government of the United States.

As a result of Dr. Michael Savage's ban on entering the U.K. due to being put on a "Least Wanted" list by yourself, I would like to know if the British Government will revoke my Passport and deny me entry to the U.K. due to my affiliation to Dr. Savage and as my thoughts and beliefs are aligned with his.

I demand an immediate response to my enquiry and furthermore demand your resignation as Home Secretary with a stipulation of a written apology on behalf of the British people to Dr. Savage. I will be making a financial contribution to Dr. Savage's legal fund in the lawsuit of defamation against yourself and your affiliates. You have brought shame and embarrasemt to me personally as a British citizen, and I will make it my mission to see that you and your ilk are brought to justice to the full extent to the law.

Yours regrettably,

(name withheld)

Protect freedom of speech! Support the Savage Legal Fund.

OR Send Checks to:
Michael Savage Legal Fund
Four Embarcadero Center, 39th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111
Donations Are Not Tax Deductible

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