Tuesday, May 12, 2009

MAY 11, 2009


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I have a dream. I have a dream that one day free men and women will be judged not on the correctness of their political views, but on the content of their character. I have a dream that all the mindless mandarins that plague the body politick in all nations will be driven out of all their little cubicles in all massive faceless government buildings around the world. I have a dream that they will be made to answer for all the vile petty judgments that they have placed on others. That they will be called to account for all the careers and livelihoods that they have taken away. That they will reap the just rewards of all the suicidal insanity that they have sown.

I have a dream that one day, all the people of the world will rise up and throw off the shackles that small-minded malcontents have placed on them, and that they will be free to enjoy the fruits of their own labor and their own ideas in a way they best see fit. I have a dream that one day I will sail a ship filled with such men and women, those with free and open minds, on the same route over the Atlantic Ocean taken by American convoys as they went to resupply the British in World War Two and fortify them against the Nazi menace.

I have a dream that this ship will land in England, dock in England, and I will set foot on British soil, and say, “Tear down this wall that you have placed before me. Tear down this wall against freedom of speech.” And I have a dream that then the people of England, inspired by the glory of their fathers before them, will stand up, tear down the wall of ignorance which has stood against them for so long, and declare with one voice “This is the land of Winston Churchill once more.”


We have talked about how the midstream media picked up the story of Michael Savage being banned from Britain. How even the liberal CNN started talking about it right away. How the leftist media of Great Britain was introduced to Michael Savage at one fell swoop, and how Fixed News under unrelenting pressure from its viewers, finally had to deal with the story even though Bill O’Reilly only grudgingly mentioned my name.

What we’re finding out now though is that an online revolution of sorts was triggered by Jacqui Smith’s decision to ban me from Britain. According to Foreign Policy magazine, it created a viral tsunami which completely defeated the intent of the British government’s attempt to suppress my freedom of speech. Websites such as Facebook, Youtube and Twitter came alive with commentary about the Savage ban. According to a website that tracks discussions on Twitter, conversations about Michael Savage and his being banned from Britain hit a huge spike the day after the travel ban was announced. Foreign Policy magazine even coined a new term “The Savage Effect,” which it describes as a phenomenon in which efforts to limit the dissemination of information in the analog form backfire and are trumped by the viral power of digital communications.

So by trying to strike me down, they have made me more powerful. By trying to push me off the old line forms of media communication, they have only made me that much more popular in new forms. What they failed to understand is that though for a short time they may be able to control the midstream media and who comes into the country, they cannot control the new Samizdat, the new literature that the mainstream establishment considers to be subversive. The Internet and talk radio is something that they will never be able to suppress.

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Michael Savage Legal Fund
Four Embarcadero Center, 39th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111
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